(78h) The Use of Numerical Worksheets in Undergraduate Courses | AIChE

(78h) The Use of Numerical Worksheets in Undergraduate Courses


Parulekar, S. - Presenter, Illinois Institute of Technology
Experience in using a user-friendly software, Mathcad, in the material and energy balance course and chemical reaction engineering course is discussed. Example problems considered for illustration deal with solution of linear algebraic equations (parameter estimation, mass balances, independent reactions), nonlinear algebraic equations (equilibrium calculations for multiple reactions, vapor-liquid equilibrium calculations for mixtures, solutions of equations of state, design equations for steady state well-mixed reactors), ordinary differential equations (isothermal, adiabatic and non-adiabatic batch and steady state continuous flow tubular reactors), and symbolic algebra (rate expressions for catalytic reactions). The capabilities of Mathcad are of significant benefit in accelerating the learning and strengthening the fundamental knowledge base.