(88d) Carbon Dioxide and Methane Mixture Adsorption on Clay Mineral Surfaces in the Presence of Residual Water Content: A Molecular Simulation Study
AIChE Annual Meeting
2018 AIChE Annual Meeting
Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals
High Pressure Phase Equilibria and Modeling
Monday, October 29, 2018 - 9:15am to 9:40am
In this work, we employ a combination of Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations to estimate mixed CO2/CH4 adsorption isotherms on illitic clay surfaces in the presence of water. Three bulk phase mixture compositions are explored to study the effect of concentrations on competitive sorption. The illitic systems bear two limiting charge localizations of the isomorphic substitutions to cover a range of possible charge distributions in nature. The computed isotherms are compared with those predicted for dry illitic clay to deduce effect of water on CO2 and CH4 interactions with clay surfaces. The role on the counter-balancing ions forming inner- and outer-sphere complexes in pore space is also discussed. Sensitivity parameters reflecting preferential sorption one species over another, density profiles, transport properties, and thermodynamic quantities are reported and analyzed.
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