Nanostructured Polymers and Composites | AIChE

Nanostructured Polymers and Composites


Martin, S., Virginia Tech


Stanzione, J. III, Rowan University

This session is dedicated to investigations of the chemistry, structure, morphology, and properties of polymeric materials both as nanostructures and composites. Understanding these systems is becoming increasingly important as the trend towards miniaturization, multicomponent, and integration continues, leading to devices with an increasing number of interfaces and complex material formulations. Theoretical, computational, and experimental papers are welcome on nanostructured polymers and composites as well as research investigating emerging technologies through the exploitation of polymeric interfacial and dynamics phenomena. ***Note to faculty candidates: please include a note to the session chair during submission to alert them to your status*** +++Note: this session will be sorted jointly with Polymer Thin Films Nanoconfinement, and Interfaces. Authors may submit to either session.+++



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