Theory, Modeling, and Simulation of Nuclear Chemical Processes I | AIChE

Theory, Modeling, and Simulation of Nuclear Chemical Processes I


de Almeida, V. F., University of Massachusetts Lowell


Pereira, C., Argonne National Laboratory

This session seeks papers in the crosscutting areas of nuclear and chemical engineering as applied to the nuclear fuel cycle. Areas of general interest are: aqueous nuclear fuel reprocessing, pyroprocessing, auxiliary processes, emissions, nuclear and radiochemical materials facilities, conversion, molten salt fueled reactors, waste forms, repositories, and nuclear fuel behavior. Also of interest is the fundamental research enabling the aforementioned areas, such as nuclear fuel dissolution, voloxidation, solvent extraction, ion exchange, adsorption, distillation, filtration, absorption, crystallization, evaporation, condensation, membrane permeation, chemical design, synthesis, and characterization. Developments in the levels of theory ranging from plant scale to continuum to atomistic used for non-equilibrium processes are encouraged to be submitted. In addition, predictive simulations of thermochemical properties related to the above-mentioned processes are of interest to this session. Topics of particular interest are a) research that can address the multiscale modeling and simulation challenges, and b) examples of how the nuclear chemical engineering field benefits from modern advances in computer-aided simulations.




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