The AIChEvents App is Now Available | AIChE

The AIChEvents App is Now Available

Put away your pen and paper. Everything you need to manage your time at the Meeting is available on your phone or mobile device with the AIChEvents app.

Navigate the event like a pro with the AIChE Annual Meeting mobile app.

Download the app today on your mobile device.

SCAN: Use your devices QR code scanner to quickly find the 2019 AIChE Annual Meeting app.
SEARCH: The App Store or Google Play for “AIChE Events”
Mobile Event App for AIChE Events Mobile Event App for AIChE Events
FOR ALL OTHER DEVICE TYPES: (including BlackBerry, Windows, and other web browser-enabled devices): point your mobile browser to to be directed to the proper download version for your device.
Once you have downloaded and opened the app, choose AIChE 2019 and tap Download. If you have a previous meeting app on your device, tap “Exit to show list” from the Dashboard.
Should you have any questions, please contact

Build your Meeting Schedule!

Don't miss out on the scheduler tool, which can be synced directly to your app!

With the AIChE mobile app, you can:

  • Stay organized with up-to-the-minute Exhibitor, Speaker, and Event information.
  • Sync the app across all your devices with Multi-Device Sync.
  • Receive important real-time communications from AIChE.
  • Build a personalized schedule and bookmark exhibitors.
  • Take notes and download event handouts and presentations.
  • Rate the sessions you attend and comment on them, too.
  • Interactively locate sessions and exhibitors on the Hyatt Regency maps.
  • Find attendees and connect with your colleagues.
  • Stay in-the-know and join the conversation using the Social Media icon.
  • And much, much more!

Take Full Advantage of these Features of the AIChEvents App:

  • "Locate Me": Use the "Locate Me" function to map out your route from session to session. Simply enter the session room you are in and the session room you are going to and the app will show you the way!
  • Exhibitor pdfs: AIChE is pleased to continue to bring the 2019 AIChE Annual Meeting  attendees, sponsors and exhibitors the feature for the mobile application, designed to enhance the conference experience and to provide valuable information for all app users. Companies can upload (.pdfs only) materials to brand their company's mobile app details page.
  • Favorites: Find all your bookmarks and favorites in one place on the dashboard.
  • Filters: Filter sessions by division, forum, area, and/or committee. Control your meeting experience and see only exactly what you want to see.

  • Explore: The explore page is your home for finding important Meeting information, upcoming events, and links to all things #AIChEAnnual. Just click on the binocular image located on the home screen to get started. The explore page will be updated regularly, so be sure to check the explore screen throughout the week for the latest Annual Meeting news. Let us know how we’re doing. Fill out a quick and easy survey for the Annual Meeting or Annual Student Conference