(111a) RE-Fueling the Future: Hydrogen As Critical Intermediate in Renewable Energy Conversion into Fuels | AIChE

(111a) RE-Fueling the Future: Hydrogen As Critical Intermediate in Renewable Energy Conversion into Fuels


Lyubovsky, M. - Presenter, U.S. Department of Energy
Synthetic renewable fuels (RE-fuels) can be produced through reduction of captured CO2 or N2 utilizing wind, solar and/or other forms of renewable energy. All the technologies needed for such renewable fuels production, namely, renewable electricity generation, water electrolysis, carbon capture, and liquid fuel synthesis already exist and are practiced on a commercial scale. Further R&D efforts should link these technologies together and ensure cost reduction and market acceptance. Cost analysis indicates that the cost of hydrogen production constitute the major fraction of the overall cost of renewable fuel. Lowering cost of hydrogen as part of H2@Scale Initiative is critical for making RE-fuels cost competitive with fossil alternatives.


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