(215b) Enhancing Interfacial Contact for Advanced All Solid State Batteries with a Cathode-Supported Solid Electrolyte Membrane Framework | AIChE

(215b) Enhancing Interfacial Contact for Advanced All Solid State Batteries with a Cathode-Supported Solid Electrolyte Membrane Framework


Chen, X. - Presenter, Kunming University of Science and Technology
Xie, D., Kunming University of Science and Technology
Zhu, Y., Kunming University of Science and Technology
Lian, P., Kunming University of Science and Technology
He, D., Kunming University of Science and Technology
Mei, Y., Kunming University of Science and Technology
Wang, H., South China University of Technology

Enhancing interfacial contact for advanced all solid state batteries
with a cathode-supported solid electrolyte membrane framework

Xinzhi Chen(a)*, Delong Xie(a), Yuanzhi
a), Peichao
a), Dedong
a), Yi Mei(a), Haihui Wang(b)

(a) Faculty
of Chemical Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, 650500, China.

 (b) School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, South
China University of Technology, 510640, China.

*E-mail of the Corresponding
Author: xzchen001@hotmail.com


All solid state rechargeable batteries are
promising to meet the challenges of high safety and high energy density for
future energy storages, but practical applications have been limited by many
challenges including poor interfacial contact, high manufactural cost,
relatively low ionic conductivity at room temperature. However, if we can
provide a simple and low cost manufactural approach to fabricate a thin solid
electrolyte with enhanced interfacial contact, ionic conductivities of state of
the art solid electrolytes, to some extent, could be sufficient enough for high
performance solid state rechargeable batteries. Herein, we reported such an
approach by introducing a novel concept of a cathode-supported solid electrolyte membrane, which was
realized by a facile tape casting technique. When assembling all solid state
lithium ion batteries with such a cathode supported solid electrolyte membrane
and a metal lithium anode, the as fabricated batteries demonstrate superior
battery performances than those of conventional solid state lithium ion
batteries, and comparable to those of liquid lithium ion batteries. E.g., the as-fabricated LiFePO4/Li
all solid state battery can deliver an initial discharge capacity of 125 mAh g-1 at 0.1C at room temperature.[1] Moreover, since the tape casting is a mature
industrial technique, The proposed electrolyte framework represent a promising
strategy for mass production of high performance all solid state batteries
based on Li metal anode.

Fig.1. A cathode-supported solid
electrolyte membrane framework with enhanced interfacial contact can
significantly improve all solid state batteries¡¯ electrochemical performance.


research was supported by National Key R&D Program (2016YFA0202601) and
National Science Foundation of China (21808065).


[1] X. Chen, W. He,
L.-X. Ding, S. Wang, H. Wang, Energy Environ.
Sci., 2019, 12, 938.
