(319d) The Application of Nonlinear Dynamic Optimization on the Three Pseudo-Components Kinetic Modeling of Biomass (Rhus Typhina) Pyrolysis Using the DAEM | AIChE

(319d) The Application of Nonlinear Dynamic Optimization on the Three Pseudo-Components Kinetic Modeling of Biomass (Rhus Typhina) Pyrolysis Using the DAEM


Liu, H. - Presenter, University of Pittsburgh, Johnstown
Ahmad, S., University of Waterloo
Sammak, S., University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh
Alhumade, H., King Fahd university of Petroleum and Minerals
Rhus Typhina originated in North America is generally used for beverages and medicines. It contains valuable contents such as gallic acid, anthocyanins, and oleic and linoleic acids, which shows its great economic values. Rhus Typhina also has potentials as a good-quality biofuel, due to its high content of volatile matter, high HHV, and low content of minor elements such as sulfur. Despite the great potentials, the studies on the pyrolysis process of Rhus Typhina were not found in publications. In this work, the pyrolysis process of Rhus Typhina was investigated. The sample of Rhus Typhina was analyzed for the proximate and ultimate analysis to study its characteristics. A kinetic model using the distributed activation energy model (DAEM) was developed to describe the thermal decomposition of Rhus Typhina in the thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). In the DAEM, three pseudo-components were proposed to represent three major components: hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin & other minor contents. A nonlinear dynamic optimization model was developed and integrated with the three pseudo-components DAEM. The contents of hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin & others, the pre-exponential factors, and activation energy were set as control parameters. The optimal values of these parameters were achieved from the dynamic optimization model, based on the TGA data at various heating rates (10, 20, and 30 K/min). The role of the distribution function on the kinetic models was also examined in 7-case studies. It was found that the standard deviations of the activation energy distribution functions for cellulose and lignin had a significant impact on the kinetic modeling of Rhus Typhina.



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