(377v) Propane-Selective Adsorbent g-C3N4@Zr-BPDC for Efficient Propylene Purification | AIChE

(377v) Propane-Selective Adsorbent g-C3N4@Zr-BPDC for Efficient Propylene Purification


Zhou, X. - Presenter, South China University of Technology
Wang, S., South China University of Technology

Adsorbent g-C3N4@Zr-BPDC for Efficient Propylene Purification


Zhou1*, Sa Wang1


1School of
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, South China University of Technology,

Guangzhou, P. R. China



The selective
removal of propane from propylene
in C3 cracked-gas yields polymer-grade propylene within one single unit
yet the propane-selective adsorbent for propylene purification has not been reported.
We demonstrate herein the design of propane-selective adsorbents by compositing
Zr-BPDC (BPDC = biphenyl dicarboxylate) and g-C3N4. The
resulting composite g-C3N4@Zr-BPDC exhibits
well-developed porosity, with the surface are of 2123 m2·g-1
and pore volume up to 0.84 cm3·g-1. More
importantly, g-C3N4@Zr-BPDC
a preferential adsorption of propane over propylene with propane capacity of 8.1
mmol·g-1 at 100 kPa and 298 K, resulted
from the stronger interaction between propane and g-C3N4@Zr-BPDC
through hydrogen bonds. The mechanism of the preferential propane adsorption on
g-C3N4@Zr-BPDC is
discussed with the help of DFT calculations, which reveals that the effective
interaction through hydrogen bond between the hydrogen atom of propane and the
nitrogen atom of the heteroaromatic ring in g-C3N4@Zr-BPDC is
formed, while the adsorption between g-C3N4@Zr-BPDC and
propylene through hydrogen bond was weakened due to the repulsion of the lone
pair on the nitrogen atoms towards the electron-rich double bond of propylene,
resulting in the preferential adsorption of propane over propylene with high
propane capacity. In consistence with the DFT study, the isosteric heat of
propane adsorption on g-C3N4@Zr-BPDC is
higher than that of propylene. Hence, the propane-selective property of g-C3N4@Zr-BPDC
facilitating its potential application in energy-effective polymer-grade propylene




propane-selective, adsorbent, adsorptive separation, propylene purification