(382s) Predicting and Understanding Azeotrope Formation and Solubility Enhancement Using Mosced | AIChE

(382s) Predicting and Understanding Azeotrope Formation and Solubility Enhancement Using Mosced


Paluch, A. - Presenter, Miami University
Ullmann, J., Miami University
Ollier, R., Miami University
MOSCED (Modified Separation of Cohesive Energy Density) is a powerful analytic tool for predicting phase behavior. Additionally, as a solubility parameter based method, it can be used to gain insight into the underlying molecular-level interaction for intuitive solvent selection and formulation. The major advancement of MOSCED over other solubility parameter methods is its improved treatment of association interactions. Results will shown for predicting binary phase equilibrium for select systems. Additionally, simple expressions will be presented to use MOSCED to design solvent blends to achieve solubility enhancement and to screen entrainers for extractive distillation processes.