(421b) Scaling Down to Scale-up: A Multi-Step Recrystallization for Particle Size Control | AIChE

(421b) Scaling Down to Scale-up: A Multi-Step Recrystallization for Particle Size Control


Briggs, N., MIT
O'Neil, J., Alkermes
Pohlman, D., Abbvie Inc.
Guzman, H., Alkermes
Tawa, M., Alkermes
Chiarella, R., Alkermes
Particle size distribution control of active pharmaceutical ingredients is an important factor when developing a direct compression solid oral formulation. A variety of common methods exist for particle size control including controlled reactive, thermal, and anti-solvent crystallizations, as well as mechanical size reduction techniques such as milling.

This work demonstrates the utility of a multi-step recrystallization to control particle growth and final size distribution. A seeded, thermal, and anti-solvent recrystallization for particle size control will be presented, as well as the challenges associated with scaling up this complex process. These challenges can be understood through well-designed scaled-down experiments to map how process parameters impact material attributes.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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