(448a) Recent Progress on Key Technical Barriers for Chemical Looping Combustion | AIChE

(448a) Recent Progress on Key Technical Barriers for Chemical Looping Combustion


Straub, D. - Presenter, National Energy Technology Laboratory
Weber, J., US Dept of Energy - NETL
Bayham, S., National Energy Technology Laboratory
Chemical Looping Combustion is an environmentally sustainable approach for converting abundant resources of fossil fuels. For the last five years, the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology (NETL) has been investigating this concept as an approach to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions in future power plant concepts. This presentation will review the progress in the chemical looping combustion technology development over the last five years with a primary focus on internal research and development efforts completed by NETL’s Research and Innovation Center. The topic areas that will be discussed include the following:

  • Results from plant simulations that identify key technology barriers for this technology
  • Progress in oxygen carrier performance and durability which includes natural hematite, promoted hematite, and manufactured oxygen carriers
  • Recommendations for advancing the technology readiness level for Chemical Looping Combustion in the future.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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