(457e) Communication Skills Instruction in a Two-Semester Capstone Design Course Sequence
AIChE Annual Meeting
2019 AIChE Annual Meeting
Education Division
Effective Communication Skills for ChE
Wednesday, November 13, 2019 - 9:12am to 9:30am
Prior to this design course sequence, undergraduate chemical engineering majors have completed three courses related to communication skills, specifically two courses in undergraduate English Rhetoric and Composition, and a Communications course in Professional Communication. Upon entering the capstone design sequence, most students indicate they do not yet feel comfortable with their communication skills, in particular their oral communication skills. Therefore, both oral and written communication skills are emphasized throughout both of the courses in this sequence. One group oral presentation is required in Design II, while four group oral presentations are required in Design III. For all of these presentations, individual feedback is provided to the students on their presentation skills. Additionally, the instructors will also go over presentation doâs and donâts as a series of talks occurs over several class days. Three written group project reports are required in Design II. In the Design III course, the writing requirements are greater because of the writing intensive aspect of the courseâten individual writing assignments, along with a group mid-term report and a group final design report. At least two of these written submittals in Design III require draft and final versions, with the students incorporating changes according to instructor comments for the final. This presentation focuses on the successes and challenges associated with the intensive communication instruction in this capstone design course sequence at TAMUK.
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