(463g) Development of MINLP Synthesizer Mipsyn-Global for Circular Synthesis of Sustainable Production Systems | AIChE

(463g) Development of MINLP Synthesizer Mipsyn-Global for Circular Synthesis of Sustainable Production Systems


Kravanja, Z. - Presenter, University of Maribor
Since the synthesis of (bio)chemical supply networks deals with the integration of several constitutive elements from molecules and process units to production plants and their networks at local to the global level, it can therefore be considered a core innovative activity. Despite many great accomplishments in the area of Process Systems Engineering (PSE), there exist no professional tools and hardly any academic tools specializing in the innovative solution of these very complex problems. Based on experience gained during the development of the unique computerized process synthesizer MIPSYN (Kravanja, 2010), its earlier version PROSYN (Kravanja and Grossmann, 1990) and a prototype of an integrated synthesis system (Gani, Grossmann, Kravanja, et al., 1998), the development of an advanced computer package called MIPSYN-Global for the circular synthesis and retrofitting of innovative and sustainable process supply networks is under way. It would comprise the main achievements from the previous versions - efficient strategies such as MINLP with mixed-integer translation of variables, strategies for multiple level MINLP, bi- or multiple-level global MINLP, MINLP when applying implicit and explicit model formulation, MILP with 100+ uncertain parameters, multi-objective MINLP, etc. In addition, we highlight the implementation and further development of the most advanced logic-based algorithms and strategies in order to obtain global or near-global solutions. This new MIPSYN-Global system would resemble optimizer, integrated system and shell for different applications, such as a new version of MINLP process synthesizers, bio-based process synthesizer, micro process synthesizer and renewable supply network synthesizers.