(532a) Coupled Trapping and Reaction for Emission Control of Diesel and Natural Gas Fueled Vehicles | AIChE

(532a) Coupled Trapping and Reaction for Emission Control of Diesel and Natural Gas Fueled Vehicles


Harold, M. - Presenter, University of Houston
Emission control catalysts typically comprise multiple components for trapping and reaction and are supported on washcoated monoliths. Their operation is inherently transient and spans a wide range of feed compositions and temperatures from ambient to >600 oC with millisecond contact times, yet high pollutant conversion and benign product selectivity must still be achieved. Further, consolidation of multiple pollutant abatement functions and thrifting of precious metal loading is needed to reduce system cost and volume. Multi-functional catalyst architectures that combine two or more active layers or zones can be effective strategies to address cost and/or performance limitations. Innovative experiments and modeling using catalytic reaction engineering tools are needed to provide deeper insight and to devise “optimal” catalyst architectures and operating strategies to meet emission targets. In this lecture several examples are highlighted that illustrate how spatially-resolved measurements, catalyst architecture synthesis and design, and modeling lead to innovative emission control solutions.