(537g) Energy Dense Electrochemical Capacitors Via Advanced Nanomanufacturing and Designer Electrolytes
AIChE Annual Meeting
2019 AIChE Annual Meeting
Nanoscale Science and Engineering Forum
Nanomaterials for Energy Storage II: Supercapacitors
Wednesday, November 13, 2019 - 2:15pm to 2:30pm
Since capacitance or energy storage is directly proportional to the accessible surface area of the electrode, we have developed new electrode structures with a tunable, highly controlled porosity and a very high surface area that is easily accessible to the electrolyte. By using a novel and scalable approach to fabricate carbon nanotubes (CNTs), we have developed a high surface area electrode with highly aligned vertically-oriented carbon nanotubes with a greater areal tube density than typical carpet-grown CNTs, which significantly improves the available surface area for charge storage. In addition, the fabrication approach allows for tuning of the electrode pore size to the specific electrolyte. Furthermore, we have preliminary evidence of a capacitive enhancement phenomenon, further increasing the capacitance, which can be attributed to the confinement of the electrolyte within the pore that results from the tailoring of the pore size to the electrolyte molecular size. While this is not well understood at this time, we are investigating the level of capacitive enhancement that can be achieved with optimization of the pore size.
Ionic liquids are popular for electronic applications requiring electrolytes with large accessible voltage window, and properties that can be tailored to a wide range of applications. Additionally, since they are nonflammable and have negligible vapor pressure, ionic liquids are ideal for micro- and on-chip devices. Thus, designer electrolytes based on pure and mixed ionic liquids can be used with the electrode pore size tailored specifically to accommodate the chosen electrolyte. The use of ionic liquid electrolytes also allows operation at higher cell voltages than the conventional aqueous or organic solution-based capacitors. Larger operation voltage further enhances the power and energy density. By combining and optimizing the interaction between these two technologies, namely Mainstreamâs high surface area and anisotropic nanostructured carbon electrodes and designer ionic liquid electrolyte, we are able to produce an energy storage technology which combines the benefits of high energy density and high power density. This talk will detail electrode development, electrolyte selection, and application in both large plate capacitors and chip-scale capacitors.
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This work is supported by the US Air Force under Contract No. FA9302-17-C-0001.The views, opinions and/or findings contained in this report are those of the author(s) and should not be construed as an official Air Force position, policy or decision unless so designated by other documentation.
This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.
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