(548g) Chemogenetic Control of Organisms Using Redesigned Proteins
AIChE Annual Meeting
2019 AIChE Annual Meeting
Food, Pharmaceutical & Bioengineering Division
Protein Science and Engineering: Advances on Engineering the Physiochemical Properties of Proteins
Wednesday, November 13, 2019 - 2:18pm to 3:00pm
To help realize this long-term vision, I will discuss the engineering and design of proteins that sense and respond to relevant, user-defined chemical ligands. Plant hormone receptors represent an attractive platform for engineering these biosensors because their chemically induced dimerization architectures naturally decouple small molecule sensing and sensor actuation. We show the use of a palette of exogenous chemicals can control plant function, including protein subcellular localization, activation of genome editing, and remote measurable phenotypic changes. We will also discuss efforts in other application areas. A particular focus of this talk will be on advanced protein engineering and design strategies needed to accomplish this vision, including on-chip oligo synthesis for mutagenesis, computationally-aided design, new surface display platforms, deep sequencing, and application of machine learning to tune biosensor affinity and specificity.