(559ae) Numerical Modeling on Water and Heat Recovery from Combustion Flue Gas | AIChE

(559ae) Numerical Modeling on Water and Heat Recovery from Combustion Flue Gas


Abutayeh, M. - Presenter, University of South Florida
Jeong, K., Arkansas State University
Kim, Y., Korea Research Institute of Chemical Engineering
Cho, G., Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials
A numerical modeling has been developed to simulate heat and mass transfer in condensing heat exchangers in conjunction with R-134a as coolant. The objective of the research is to develop an advanced organic rankine cycle systems to recover both heat and water from boiler flue gas for fossil-fuel power plant applications. One of critical paths to accomplish the research goal is to model simultaneous condensation of water vapors in flue gas side and flow boiling of R-134a in coolant side in a heat exchanger. An approach combining iterative solution technique and finite difference method has been applied to the numerical scheme in the recovery modeling by assuming phase of refrigerant at coolant exit under given or simulated boundary conditions. The simulated boundary conditions have been built up by using the heat and mass balance software, IPSEpro. In this presentation, the simulation results on a pilot-scale organic rankine cycle and phase transitions will be introduced.


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