(560ig) Enhancing Ab Initio Microkinetic Models with Machine Learning
AIChE Annual Meeting
2019 AIChE Annual Meeting
Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division
Poster Session: Catalysis and Reaction Engineering (CRE) Division
Wednesday, November 13, 2019 - 3:30pm to 5:00pm
Here, we present two examples of the application of statistical learning in kinetic modeling. (I) We demonstrate the improvement of a microkinetic model by statistically calibration the intrinsic error of DFT energies, and further improvement by incorporating less experimental data. (II) After accounting the influence of the adsorbate-adsorbate interaction with Monte Carlo simulation and statistical learning, MF-MKM captures missing phenomenon (bistability of oxidation system) missing from mean-field approximation.
We show how this approach systematically improve the prediction of MF-MKM combining machine learning model. This work demonstrates the promising performance of statistical learning in the application of kinetic modeling of heterogenous catalytic system.