(578f) Solvent Extraction for Nanoparticle Purification | AIChE

(578f) Solvent Extraction for Nanoparticle Purification


Weeranoppanant, N. - Presenter, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Vonthongsri, K., Ruamrudee International School
Khositanont, C., Burapha University
Colloidal nanoparticles have been used as catalysts for many liquid-based reactions. They are typically synthesized via chemical methods with excess reducing agents and stabilization molecules. Conventionally, they need to be purified before use. There are several purification methods, including washing and centrifugation, dialysis, electrophoresis, and filtration. In this work, we explored the use of solvent extraction to remove impurities from colloidal nanoparticles in solution. The effect of purification methods on catalytic performance were studied.
