(621c) Global Optimization of Nonconvex Quadratic Programs and Mixed-Integer Quadratic Programs
AIChE Annual Meeting
2019 AIChE Annual Meeting
Computing and Systems Technology Division
Advances in Optimization: Global, Surrogate & Mixed-Integer Models II
Thursday, November 14, 2019 - 8:36am to 8:54am
Commonly used relaxations for these type of problems can be classified into four groups. The first group involves relaxations obtained via factorable programming techniques [10, 18, 20]. While these relaxations are relatively simple to construct, they typically result in large relaxation gaps. The second group is given by semi-definite programming (SDP) relaxations. This approach has received significant attention in recent years [1, 5, 6, 19]. Even though SDP relaxations often provide strong bounds, they are computationally expensive to solve, which has limited their use within general purpose branch-and-bound solvers. The third group relies on the reformulation-linearization techniques (RLT) [15â17]. Though these techniques typically yield tight bounds, the resulting relaxations grow quickly in size, and thus can become expensive to solve. The fourth group consists of factorable relaxations augmented by adding various classes of valid inequalities such as SDP-based cuts [7, 14], RTL-based cuts [22, 23], facets of the envelopes of edge-concave and multilinear subexpressions [2, 3, 11, 12], and mixed-integer cuts [4]. These augmented relaxations provide stronger bounds than those of factorable relaxations while remaining computationally inexpensive to solve. Due to its practicality, this class of relaxations is employed in most general-purpose global optimization packages.
In this talk, we investigate a different class of relaxations for nonconvex QPs and MIQPs. In particular, we derive convex quadratic relaxations by convexifying nonconvex quadratic functions through perturbations of the quadratic matrix. We demonstrate that the resulting quadratic relaxations are in many cases significantly tighter than other relaxations commonly used in state-of-the-art optimization solvers. We also introduce novel branching variable selection strategies which can be used in conjunction with the quadratic relaxations investigated in this work. We integrate the proposed relaxation and branching techniques into the global optimization solver BARON, and test our implementation by conducting numerical experiments on a large collection of problems. Results demonstrate that the proposed implementation accelerates the convergence speed of the branch-and-bound algorithm, leading to very significant reductions in the computational times required to solve the test problems.
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