(692b) Design of Sustainable Graft Block Polymer Plastics | AIChE

(692b) Design of Sustainable Graft Block Polymer Plastics


Chang, A. B. - Presenter, University of Minnesota
Bates, F. S., University of Minnesota

molecular architecture – that is, the way in which polymer chains are connected
– dramatically impacts the properties of plastics. In our work, we aim to develop
a modular platform for tough and sustainable plastics based on graft block
polymers. Linking two or more chemically distinct blocks structures plastics at
the nanoscale, improving the mechanical properties; introducing grafts
amplifies shear thinning and strain hardening behavior, improving the melt
processability. Precise synthetic control over the graft block architecture
enables systematic studies of key structure-property relationships. Understanding
design rules based on the molecular architecture — independent of specific choices of block and backbone functionality
— allows the materials to both meet the needs of sustainability and be
customized for specific applications.