(6v) Molecular Tension Sensors in Protein Hydrogels | AIChE

(6v) Molecular Tension Sensors in Protein Hydrogels


Baccile, J. - Presenter, California Institute of Technology
Tirrell, D., California Institute of Technology
Soft materials with made-to-order chemical and physical properties have significant potential value in fields ranging from regenerative medicine and in vitro cell culture to soft robotics and drug delivery. Artificial protein hydrogels (APHs) are uniquely suited to be designer materials via exploitation of the near limitless possible combinations of functional protein domains that can be used to create novel polymer building blocks with tailored properties. Recent work in model systems has demonstrated APHs can be engineered to improve wound healing, for controlled drug delivery and for the creation of materials with programmed characteristic relaxation times. However, engineering APHs to have enhanced mechanical strength and toughness has so far not been possible and remains a critical obstacle for their clinical deployment and use in other applications. One potential approach to make tougher APHs is by creating them from protein structures encoded with a higher propensity to dissipate energy through unfolding in response to mechanical stress. This approach seems promising; however, it is not currently understood how features at the molecular level permeate to the bulk physical properties of APHs. I will present our efforts to address this gap through the development of a fluorescence microscopy method for real-time visualization of protein conformational changes that result from mechanical stress induced on an APH. The presentation will focus on two key points: (1) Design and synthesis of a tunable force-responsive FRET sensor that can be readily incorporated into APHs and other types of hydrogels; and (2) fundamental insights on the mechanism of energy dissipation in protein hydrogels gained from visualizing spatially resolved mechanical stress. Lastly, I will show an application of visualizing mechanical stress in APHs – quantifying cell traction forces in three-dimensional cell culture systems.

Research Interests:

Protein hydrogels, Bioconjugation, Cell material interactions, Nanocomposites, Biocatalysis, Biosynthetic pathway engineering, Metabolomics, Small-molecule structure elucidation.

Teaching Interests:

Biomaterials, Protein engineering, Metabolomics, Organic synthesis for engineers, Quantitative analysis for engineers, Bioprocess engineering, Polymer chemistry.