(735a) Invited Talk: Rapid Prototyping of Biohybrid Nanostructures for Sensing and Responsive Materials | AIChE

(735a) Invited Talk: Rapid Prototyping of Biohybrid Nanostructures for Sensing and Responsive Materials


Reuel, N. - Presenter, Iowa State University
Enzymes, often thought of as only biological catalysts, are also exquisitely evolved, nanoscale logic gates. They can be regulated under single or multiple inputs and have a variety of selective outputs such as bond breaking, bond formation, and shape change. These can be advantageous for many sensing and responsive material applications. Interfacing with enzymes, the (bio)-logic of nature, for such advanced materials is one mission of my group. In this talk I will present our efforts to rapidly prototype enzymes and other proteins using scalable and robust cell free protein synthesis techniques[1, 2]. I will also cover methods of interfacing with hydrolytic enzymes in closed environments, namely optical transducers based on fluorescent single walled carbon nanotubes[3] and larger radio frequency based resonant structures[4]. Applications for these biohybrid nanostructures in agricultural and medical systems will be presented such as monitoring soil health and measuring hydrolytic activity in tumor micro-environments.

  1. Dopp JL, Reuel NF (2018) Process optimization for scalable E. coli extract preparation for cell-free protein synthesis. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 138:21–28. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bej.2018.06.021
  2. Dopp JL, Rothstein SM, Mansell TJ, Reuel NF (2019) Rapid prototyping of proteins: Mail order gene fragments to assayable proteins within 24 hours. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 116(3):667–676. https://doi.org/10.1002/bit.26912
  3. Kallmyer NE, Musielewicz J, Sutter J, Reuel NF (2018) Substrate-Wrapped, Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Probes for Hydrolytic Enzyme Characterization. Analytical Chemistry, 90(8):5209–5216. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.analchem.7b05444
  4. Charkhabi S, Beierle AM, McDaniel MD, Reuel NF (2018) Resonant Sensors for Low-Cost, Contact-Free Measurement of Hydrolytic Enzyme Activity in Closed Systems. ACS Sensors, 3(8):1489–1498. https://doi.org/10.1021/acssensors.8b00267