The Current State of STEM Inclusion in the Workplace | AIChE

The Current State of STEM Inclusion in the Workplace


Butterfield, A., University of Utah
Farrell, S., Rowan University
Gibson, G., Dupont (retired)

In October 2018, AIChE, among other engineering and science organizations, participated in the STEM Inclusion Study. The goal of the study was to investigate experiences across STEM disciplines/industries to identify potential mechanisms of disadvantage at the interpersonal, organizational, and professional levels. The study was funded by NSF and led by Dr. Erin Cech, PI of quantitative research and sociology professor at the University of Michigan, and Dr. Tom Waidzunas, PI of quantitative research and sociology professor at Temple University. The study surveyed 20+ organizations and 30,000+ US-based STEM professionals participated. Results from AIChE members were shared in January of this year. The STEM Inclusion Study team is currently conducting analyses of STEM professionals across the sample. The STEM Inclusion Study provides unprecedented insight into inequality by gender, disability status, and race/ethnicity. It is also the first study to systematically examine the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer professionals in STEM. Join Erin as she presents the results of this important study. Her talk will discuss patterns of marginalization and devaluation experienced by women, people of color, persons with disabilities, and those who identify as LGBTQ and note some underlying cultural processes that lead to these disadvantages.


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