Developments in Electrochemical Reactors, Fuel Cells, and Electrolyzers | AIChE

Developments in Electrochemical Reactors, Fuel Cells, and Electrolyzers


Holladay, J., Battelle Pacific Northwest Division


Gutierrez Tinoco, O., Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

This session covers a broad range of electrochemical reactors for process intensification, power generation and hydrogen production. There has been growing interest in using electrochemical reactors for chemical production, bio-oil upgrading, and CO2 reduction. In addition, the has an initiative in H2@Scale promoting large scale hydrogen generation and usage with the aim to stabilize the electric grid and advance hydrogen usage in industrial applications. We encourage contributions in electrochemical reactors, power to gas, and low and high temperature fuel cells, electrolyzers, and reversible fuel cells.



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