LGBTQ+ & Allies Safe Zone Workshop
12:30 PM - 3:00PM EST
Hynes Convention Center, Room 204
This workshop is an opportunity for allies and LGBTQ+ to learn more about the current engineering culture, terminology, microaggressions and unconscious bias. Strategies will be shared and discussed on creating a more inclusive classroom and workplace. The workshop will be led by Stephanie Farrell, Experiential Engineering Education, Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ, and Anthony Edward Butterfield, Chemical Engineering, University of Utah.
LGBTQ+ Inclusion in Engineering: Advocating for Minorities
3:30 PM - 6:00 PM EST
Hynes Convention Center, Room 204
This panel discussion will focus on how to become an effective ally as a part of a separate minority group within engineering. Engineers who have experienced discrimination have unique opportunities to effectively advocate for others. These opportunities will be discussed, along with the nuanced limitations to extrapolating from one person’s experiences with discrimination, even within their own communities when intersectionality is considered. There will be actionable suggestions shared that various minority communities can use in their careers to help AIChE realize the goals of the IDEAL Statement for all members. This discussion will be led by Co-chairs Gayle Gibson, E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co., Engineering - retired; and Alon McCormick, University of Minnesota. Panelists include Adrienne Minerick, Michigan Technological University; Steve Pufka, DuPont; Julianne Holloway, Arizona State University; Sipho Ndlela, Alternative Energy for Afrika, Inc.; Melissa A. Postlewaite, University of Delaware; and Roger Whitley, Air Products & Chemicals Inc.
LGBTQ+ & Allies Social and Meet & Greet
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM EST
Hynes Convention Center, Room 210
Please join us for our LGBTQ+ & Allies social. It’s a chance for young professionals to meet and hear from more experienced professionals while enjoying a cocktail (or mocktail). Hear from industry and academic leaders about their support for the initiative and network meet new contacts who are LGBTQ+ or supporting allies.
Join AIChE's LGBTQ+ & Allies Online Community
This community is open to professional AIChE members who are LGBTQ+ and allies. Topics of discussion will include the ongoing development of LGBTQ+ initiatives at AIChE, plus issues concerning, and opportunities for, LGBTQ+ chemical engineering professionals.
Learn more about the community.
Learn more about AIChE's Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives.
Interested in helping?
Are you an LGBTQ+ chemical engineer and AIChE member interested in sharing your story to help create awareness around diversity and inclusion? Are you an LGBTQ+ ally interested in helping with diversity and inclusion efforts? Send us a note at with the subject "Diversity and Inclusion."