(112a) Particle Technology Forum: 30 Years in Perspective | AIChE

(112a) Particle Technology Forum: 30 Years in Perspective


Fan, L. S. - Presenter, Ohio State University
In commemorating the 30 year anniversary of the formation of the AIChE Particle Technology Forum (PTF), I would like, as the Founding Chair (1992-1994), to share some reflections on the circumstances surrounding the genesis of this organization and recognize those pioneering researchers who shared the same vision for it and who devoted their time, energy and talent to realizing its inception. In celebrating the achievement signaled by this important milestone, I would like to offer my thoughts about this field and its topics of emphasis which are in the midst of transformation as well as the new and rising generation of engaged researchers. I will also discuss the efforts required to ensure the continued impact of the field on both academia and industry.