(117g) Effect of Using Nanomaterial in Concrete Mixture Production | AIChE

(117g) Effect of Using Nanomaterial in Concrete Mixture Production


Dyab, A. M., Badr university in Cairo (BUC)
Atwa, M. I., Badr university in Cairo (BUC)
Takla, Y. M. A., Badr university in Cairo (BUC)
Hekal, M. A., Badr university in Cairo (BUC)
Abodonya, A., Badr university in Cairo (BUC)
Recently, nano technology has received much attention in many applications. Many studies have investigated the effect of nano-particles, such as nano-silica (NS), nano-clay (NC), iron oxide (Fe2O3), nano silica (SiO2), and aluminum oxide (Al2O3). This study aims to investigate the effect of using two types of nanomaterials (NS and Fe2O3) with different percentages in the mechanical properties of concrete mixtures. The results were compared with control concrete mixture and other concrete mixtures prepared using other types of nanomaterials. The experimental plan tests concrete with grade 50 MPa. The concrete mechanical properties: compressive, tensile splitting, and flexure strength at ages of 7 and 28 days are evaluated. The results showed an improvement in the compressive strength test of cubes containing nanomaterials compared to the control mixture. Results also showed that the efficiency of using the nano mixtures in concrete mixtures is similar to using other types of nanomaterials reported in literature such as, NC and NS.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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