(124e) Which Separation Process to Use: Membrane or Distillation or Both? | AIChE

(124e) Which Separation Process to Use: Membrane or Distillation or Both?


Agrawal, R. - Presenter, Purdue University
Chavez Velasco, J. A., Purdue University
Tumbalam Gooty, R., Purdue University
Tawarmalani, M., Purdue University
In the evolving energy landscape where, renewable electricity from solar and wind will play a greater role, it is worthwhile to revisit the conventional wisdom regarding the energy efficiency of membrane and distillation processes. In this presentation, we will examine various separation scenarios and examine the relative energy benefit of each of the separation processes. We will identify the conditions under which one separation process is more energy efficient than the other and also the situations where use of both the processes provide synergistic results.