(12d) U.S. Doe Overview - Supporting Clean Hydrogen through Supply Chain and Recycling Research and Development Efforts | AIChE

(12d) U.S. Doe Overview - Supporting Clean Hydrogen through Supply Chain and Recycling Research and Development Efforts

Today, technologies for advancing National clean energy priorities are rapidly evolving, including hydrogen and fuel cell technologies which offer unique versatility within a portfolio of domestic options addressing decarbonization, economic growth, and environmental justice. Through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, there is a major focus on developing a robust, domestic supply chain for clean hydrogen technologies through research and development. Additionally, efforts to find ways to sustainably recover and recycle components of the clean hydrogen technologies will reduce the footprint and the impact of resources. Clean hydrogen technologies include heavy duty fuel cells and water electrolyzers as well as industrial and chemical end uses, like steel and ammonia. This talk will provide an overview of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law program within the U.S. Department of Energy’s Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Offices including the how the work fits into the overall strategy for promoting clean hydrogen as a sustainable fuel.