(179f) High Pressure Sample Environment for Small Angle X-Ray Scattering | AIChE

(179f) High Pressure Sample Environment for Small Angle X-Ray Scattering


Weston, J. - Presenter, The University of Tulsa
Kosambi, A., University of Oklahoma
Small Angle X-Ray Scattering is a very powerful technique for observing phenomena at length scales between approximately 0.5 and 150 nanometers. In particular, this technique is sensitive to small changes in electron density like those observed during aggregation and phase separation processes. A sample environment has been developed for use for studying high-pressure behavior of fluid samples under quiescent and flowing conditions. The sample volume required for these tests is on the order of one milliliter, making it suitable even for applications with costly materials such as proteins or enzymes. We use model systems of wax crystallization and asphaltene aggregation to confirm the instrument’s capabilities.