(284e) Don't You Dare Settle for Fine: Cracking the Code of How Dual-Career Couples Thrive in Work and Life. | AIChE

(284e) Don't You Dare Settle for Fine: Cracking the Code of How Dual-Career Couples Thrive in Work and Life.


Feist, R. K. - Presenter, Dow Solar Solutions, The Dow Chemical Company
In the U.S. it is estimated that 63% of men and 81% of women are in dual-career relationships, meaning both partners work outside the home.1 Many of those couples are trying to achieve all they can in their careers, and each has ambitious professional goals. But when two people are dreaming of big careers, a meaningful long-term, successful relationship, and perhaps even a family, it leads to complex challenges that few of us really appreciate. Dual-career couples are constantly grappling with choices to prioritize family, careers, and sometimes one career over the other. Choosing wisely, especially when you don’t have all of the data, or time to weigh out the options, can be daunting. What might appear to be the best option today, might also lead to consequences down the road. So how do you know what to select? Understanding what really makes you both happy, how you will measure success in your life, ensuring the risks that you take are really worth the rewards that they could deliver, and making intentional choices every day, big and small, are some of the ways you can support your partner, and together, thrive as a dual-career couple.