(2lc) Accelerating the Advancement of Functional Nanomaterials for Clean Energy Applications | AIChE

(2lc) Accelerating the Advancement of Functional Nanomaterials for Clean Energy Applications


Dun, C. - Presenter, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Urban, J. J., Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Swihart, M., University at Buffalo
Research Interests

At the intersection of chemical physics, physical chemistry, materials science, and engineering, this research focuses on tackling global challenges in clean energy by exploring the relationship between novel nanostructures, their functions, and applications in various renewable energy fields.

The field of nanoengineering has achieved significant success in the development of materials with unique properties and functionalities, particularly in the clean energy sector. Nanoengineering has made notable strides in the development of thermoelectric materials for waste heat conversion into electricity, high-capacity charge storage materials, and high-entropy materials. By utilizing mismatching integration-enabled strains and point defect engineering, high-performance charge storage materials have been developed. Furthermore, the development of self-assembled heterojunctions with decoupled electron and phono-transfer has led to the creation of thermoelectric materials with high Figure of Merit. Additionally, nanoengineering has successfully developed high-entropy materials through a general non-equilibrium flame synthesis methodology, which unifies immiscible elements into a single nano-ceramic and can serve as a super anti-sintering catalyst.

In our recent study, we overcame the intrinsic limit of layered hydroxides by engineering F-substituted β-Ni(OH)2 (Ni-F-OH) plates with a sub-micrometer thickness, which resulted in a superhigh mass loading of 29.8 mg cm−2 on the carbon substrate. The tailored ultra-thick phosphide superstructure achieved a super-high specific capacity of 7144 mC cm−2 and a superior rate capability (79% at 50 mA cm−2). For thermoelectric, our study investigated the selective growth of metal-semiconductor heterostructure based on layered V2-VI3 nano-structures using density functional theory. The study found that all lateral configurations exhibited lower formation energy compared to the vertical ones, implying selective growth of metal nanoparticles. This was supported by the successful fabrication of self-assembled Ag/Cu-nanoparticle-decorated p-type Sb2Te3 and n-type Bi2Te3 nano-plates at their lateral sites through a solution reaction. Finally, We also discovered an effective "encapsulated exsolution" phenomenon by reducing the metastable porous (Ni0.07Al0.93 )Ox (20 mL/min H2, 4 hours at 800 ºC), which generated ultra-stable Ni nanoparticles (<10 nm) wrapped inside porous Al2O3 nano-shells. The resulted nano-confinement structure demonstrates high sintering resistance and provides 640 hours of constant 96% CH4 and CO2 conversion at 800 ºC for methane reforming, dramatically outperforming conventional catalysts.

These studies showcase the immense potential of nanoengineering in the development of advanced materials to meet future demands for clean energy.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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