(2lp) An Optimized Miniaturized Annular Rotating Flow Reactor for Controllable Continuous Preparation of Functionalized Polysilsesquioxane Microspheres | AIChE

(2lp) An Optimized Miniaturized Annular Rotating Flow Reactor for Controllable Continuous Preparation of Functionalized Polysilsesquioxane Microspheres

Research Interests

A novel microreaction system based on a miniaturized annular rotating flow reactor (m-ARFR) was developed for the continuous preparation of functionalized polysilsesquioxanes (FPSQs). Compared to conventional batch processes, this new method enables accurate control and flexible adjustment of particle size and morphology of the prepared microspheres. The geometric structure and rotating speed were optimized through CFD simulations and energy analysis. In the optimized m-ARFRs, uniform shear stress and low back-mixing enable the controllable distribution of functional groups and stable slurry flow. By utilizing the flexibility of geometric design, we prepared uniformly functionalized PSQs (FPSQs-NH2) and surface-functionalized PSQs (PAPSQ@PMSQs). During hourly-level operation of m-ARFRs, the yield of microspheres remained at approximately 90% while maintaining a low internal pressure drop of less than 3 kPa, demonstrating the long-term operating stability of the system.


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