(48d) Optimizing CO2 Capture through Solid Adsorption: Developing Optimal Strategies
AIChE Annual Meeting
2023 AIChE Annual Meeting
Environmental Division
Design and Analysis of Sustainable Carbon Capture and Emissions Control Technologies I
Tuesday, November 7, 2023 - 1:45pm to 2:10pm
On the other hand, multiscale modeling analysis has become an important tool to better understand the diffusion process. Therefore, this proposal aims to develop a rigorous mathematical model for CO2 diffusion in porous media, considering three coupled modeling scales: macro, meso, and micro. Furthermore, the CO2 diffusion behavior at each scale will be analyzed, and the results will be compared to investigate if considering such fine details presents significant changes in CO2 capture. It is expected that these considerations will improve the CO2 capture process. In addition, Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions define the problem and establish the link between the PSA operation cycles and the three modeling levels. Finally, the numerical formulation, the finite difference method, was used to discretize the spatial domain during an orthogonal fitting for the spatial domain.
This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.
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