(609j) Optimisation of Cyclic Adsorption Processes in a Commercial Simulator | AIChE

(609j) Optimisation of Cyclic Adsorption Processes in a Commercial Simulator


Sharma, I., University of Edinburgh
Patel, M., Process Systems Enterprise Ltd.
Huang, Q., Siemens
Optimisation of cyclic adsorptive separation processes is often a computationally intensive exercise. Purity, recovery, specific energy and productivity are the different objectives considered while optimising such processes. Fundamentally there can be multiple approaches to optimising these processes: performing a sensitivity analysis, using a gradient-based algorithm or using evolutionary algorithms. There has also been an increased interest in using computationally cheaper surrogate models to minimise the computational complexity.

Through this presentation we intend to showcase how the adsorption library in gPROMS Process can be used to optimise a VPSA cycle (for carbon capture) following the different optimisation approaches listed above.