(84y) Treatment of Domestic Wastewater By Coagulation, Adsorption, and Filtration for Reusing in the Production of Concrete Mixtures | AIChE

(84y) Treatment of Domestic Wastewater By Coagulation, Adsorption, and Filtration for Reusing in the Production of Concrete Mixtures

Concrete production consumes huge amounts of fresh water for hydration of cement, concrete curing and washing aggregate, so providing an alternative is important to save fresh water. In this research, treated domestic wastewater is used for concrete production. The wastewater samples were collected from Badr University wastewater treatment plant in Cairo, Egypt. The study aims to show the effect of applying treated wastewater after each treatment stage to the concrete mixture on its mechanical properties and compare the results with control concrete mixture using fresh water. The experimental plan tests concrete with grade 50 MPa using: primary, secondary, tertiary treated wastewater, and fresh water as mixing water. The concrete mechanical properties: compressive, tensile splitting, and flexure strength at ages of 7, and 28 days are evaluated. The results of compressive strength test of cubes using primary and secondary treatment are almost similar to the results of the control mixture in the meanwhile the compressive strength of mixtures using tertiary treated wastewater reached a higher compressive strength by 15% than that of the control mixture. The effect of treated wastewater on concrete split tensile and flexure strength results are comparable to that of control mixture results. The results of the tertiary treated wastewater showed improved performance for concrete mixing, and it can be properly utilized for concrete production.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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