(87c) Techno Feasibility Analysis for Steam-to-Hot Water Conversion for West Virginia University, Morgantown Campus. | AIChE

(87c) Techno Feasibility Analysis for Steam-to-Hot Water Conversion for West Virginia University, Morgantown Campus.


Palanki, S., Lamar University
Lemasters, D., West Virginia University
Rosson, T. J., West Virginia University
Garapati, N., West Virginia University
The Low-temperature Geothermal Play Fairway Analysis of the Appalachian Basin (GPFA-AB) estimated a region of elevated heat flows in northcentral West Virginia (Cornell University 2017). The Morgantown campus of West Virginia University (WVU) is located within this region and offers a desirable and unique combination of critical factors necessary to develop a deep direct-use geothermal system in the eastern United States. Based on our initial feasibility analysis study, it is found that the geothermal DDU system at WVU is feasible to replace the existing system. In this work, a techno-economic analysis to evaluate the conversion of the existing steam-based system to a geothermal hot water-based system will be performed.

Currently, individual building energy loads are estimated by collecting weekly steam flow rates using existing meters and new ultra-sonic clamp-on meters. Assessment of existing building equipment providing heating and cooling across the campus is performed. The suitability of current building-level steam equipment for hot water retrofit will be established, and costs for retrofit or replacement will be calculated.

Acknowledgment: This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. DOE's Office of EERE under the GTO, under Award Number DE- EE0009597.