Biomaterials II: Applications in Healthcare and Beyond | AIChE

Biomaterials II: Applications in Healthcare and Beyond


Spangler, L. C., Drexel University


Chen, X., City College of New York
Khlyustova, A., Cornell University

This session will cover a range of innovative biomaterial topics such as synthesis, additive manufacturing and 3D printing, in vitro disease modeling, immunological applications, AI/ML-guided biomaterials development, computational biomaterials, and other areas where biomaterials are studied or applied. We encourage faculty candidates to submit abstracts to the general “Biomaterials: Faculty Candidates” session. When considering abstract submission, please note oral presentations may be limited to one per person (presenter) for contributed abstracts to ensure broad programming. Graduate Students: By applying to this session you may be eligible for the Biomaterials Graduate Student Award Session established to honor the best graduate student submissions through recognition and cash awards. See the session titled 'Biomaterials: Graduate Student Award Session' for details.




Paper abstracts are public but to access Extended Abstracts, you must first purchase the conference proceedings.


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