Coprocessing: A Robust Platform to Optimize Solubility & Bioavailability | AIChE

Coprocessing: A Robust Platform to Optimize Solubility & Bioavailability

As therapies become more complex, so do the obstacles that can interfere with their delivery. A robust solution to inadequate drug solubility, powder flow, and bioavailability, continuous co-processing is a platform that can be applied across various molecule classes and formulation types. Utilizing both classical and innovative techniques, co-processing has the added benefit of expediting manufacture of materials needed for toxicology screens and clinical studies. Additionally, co-processing assures the scale up of many energetic and sensitive processes, thus allowing for a safe and rugged technical transfer. This technical showcase will highlight how the co-processing platform and methodology behind it can be your next solution to drug development and delivery. Learning Objectives: - Understand what is Co-processing, the latest technologies used in the technique, as well as the most up-to-date regulatory status - Discover the ongoing industry efforts to promote this technology - Learn some of the common techniques used on the co-processing technology platform - Know some example(s) of how the use of co-processing can improve powder flow and density - Know some example(s) of how the use of co-processing can improve formulation process ruggedness



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