Membrane Process Development and Process Intensification: Energy and Decarbonization | AIChE

Membrane Process Development and Process Intensification: Energy and Decarbonization


Malmali, M., Texas Tech University


Liguori, S., Clarkson University
Tsotsis, T., University of Southern California

This session ranges from feasibility studies to membrane screening (identifying the best membrane for an application), process intensification, as well as simulations and scale-up. Process intensification is usually implemented through design of new equipment that combines multiple unit operations or the design of new process-intensifying methods. This session includes a focus on the use of membrane reactors to improve process performance in a growing range of applications, including chemical and petrochemical processing, cell culture, water desalination and filtration, and bioseparations. Abstracts are sought that describe new experimental and computational developments in membrane process and membrane reactor fundamentals and applications.



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