Microfluidic Cell Culture Platforms and Bioreactors | AIChE

Microfluidic Cell Culture Platforms and Bioreactors


Kozminsky, M., University of California, Berkeley


Smith, Q., Massachusetts Institute of Technology

This session theme focuses on the intersection of cell biology and engineering to recapitulate aspects of the cellular microenvironment. Abstracts that emphasize innovative technologies such as 3D bioprinting, stem cells, microfluidics/organ-on-chip, biomaterials, or tissue explant cultures, to model cell, tissue, or organ function are highly encouraged. Collectively, this session aims to showcase engineering design that supports organotypic culture. To this end, abstracts that describe approaches that control tissue morphogenesis, tissue-tissue interfaces, and physiologically relevant cues (i.e., fluid shear stress, stretch, stiffness, dissolved oxygen, gradients) are strongly desired. The goal of this session is to highlight the application of engineered cellular testbeds toward recreating features of human physiology for elucidating the underpinnings of diseased processes toward drug discovery and pre-clinical studies.



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