National and International Engagements in Chemical Sciences at the National Academies | AIChE


This townhall is an opportunity to hear from the U.S. National Committee for IUPAC on committee and IUPAC activities as well as about recent reports and ongoing activities of the National Academies Board on Chemical Sciences and Technology and learn how to engage with these efforts in the chemical sciences. After updates, a panel discussion will take place to inform U.S. perspectives in IUPAC on the topics of PFAS and Lifecycle Assessment with an opportunity for audience contribution.

Schedule of Events

Time Item
12:30 PM Opening Remarks
12:35 PM Board on Chemical Sciences and Technology Updates (Jennifer Sinclair Curtis, BCST co-chair)
1:05 PM U.S. National Committee for IUPAC Updates (Jennifer Nielson, USNC/IUPAC secretary)
1:35 PM PFAS Panel Discussion

Session chair: Jodie Lutkenhaus, BCST and USNC/IUPAC member

Richard West, Northeastern University

William Barrett, EPA
2:10 PM LCA Panel Discussion

Session chair: Jodie Lutkenhaus, BCST and USNC/IUPAC member

Jennifer Dunn, Northwestern University

Robert Handler, Michigan Technical University
2:45 PM Concluding Remarks