(111a) Analysis of Enzyme Dust Formation in Detergent Manufacturing Plants | AIChE

(111a) Analysis of Enzyme Dust Formation in Detergent Manufacturing Plants


Ahmadian, H. - Presenter, University of Leeds
Ghadiri, M. - Presenter, Leeds University

In the detergent industry, enzymes are used to catalyse the breakdown of tough stains such as oil and fat, which cannot be easily removed with surfactants and bleaches. In the 1960's, a number of plant workers developed respiratory allergies from inhaling enzyme dust over long periods. The response from the enzyme manufacturing companies was to encapsulate the enzymes by granulation, fluid bed coating, extrusion and other techniques. The end users of encapsulated enzymes such as the detergent industry concentrated on the installation of engineering containment and dust extraction systems. These were combined with other safe systems of work, including airborne monitoring, and health surveillance. The result was a significant decrease in the concentration of airborne enzyme dust in the working environment and virtually eliminated the incidence of respiratory allergy. However, enzyme dust generation has not been eliminated completely, and the integrity of the enzyme encapsulates remains a key control point. Current methods of dust measurement do not correlate to mechanical stresses in the detergent plant and limit enzyme manufacturer's ability to develop better granules. In 2000, the Enzyme Dust Consortium was formed with the objective to design a validated test method with protocol (for granule qualification and QC) to correlate with dust levels in plant. This is being achieved by evaluating the prevailing mechanical stresses in detergent manufacturing plants and their effect on enzyme granules. This paper addresses various methodologies for the evaluation of enzyme dust formation in manufacturing plants and analyses the likely causes and mechanisms of enzyme dust formation. Once a new testing procedure is established, enzyme manufacturers will be able to design and produce improved products that will result in further reduction of enzyme exposure in detergent manufacturing facilities


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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