(112e) Comparison of Ring Shear Cell Simulations in 2d and 3d with Experiments | AIChE

(112e) Comparison of Ring Shear Cell Simulations in 2d and 3d with Experiments


Luding, S. - Presenter, TUDelft, DelftChemTech

We present experiments together with corresponding molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of a two-dimensional (2D) and a three-dimensional (3D) granular material in Couette shear cells undergoing slow shearing. The grains are disks confined between an inner, rotating wheel and a fixed outer ring. In 3D, a part of the bottom is rotating with the inner ring. The simulation results are compared to experimental studies and quantitative agreement is found within about 80-90 per-cent. Tracking the positions and orientations of individual particles allows us to obtain also density distributions, velocity- and rotation-rates in the system. The key issue of this talk is to show in how far quantitative agreement between an experiment and MD simulations is possible, besides the fact that many differences in model-details and the experiment exist. We discuss the quantitative agreement/disagreement, give possible reasons, and outline further research perspectives. Especially the issue of a micro-macro transition will be detailed: Stress, strain, and other continuum quantities can be obtained from the microscopic simulations, showing that the granular material is compressive, anisotropic and micro-polar - all at the same time.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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