(142f) Gas Separation in Coal Gasification
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
2006 Spring Meeting & 2nd Global Congress on Process Safety
Past, Present and Future Uses of Absorption and Membrane Processes in Hydrogen Production II
Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - 4:05pm to 4:30pm
This work assesses current and enabling technologies for gas separation in coal gasification, in particular shifting and H2 separation. The first group of technologies are those mature and aging technologies such as cryogenic liquefaction, PSA and low temperature conventional polymeric membranes which are of very low industrial risk but have limited scope for additional technological advancement. The second group relates to enabling technologies which are at an embryonic or growth stage. In this group the major interest is in material development for membrane technologies including composite high temperature polymers (polyamide and composites for reverse selectivity), perovskites, metals and ceramics including molecular sieves (silica and carbon), or novel materials for PSA application. These technologies have attracted significant industrial R&D funds world-wide as the potential for technological advancement is high. The gaps for technology improvement are therefore very attractive as there are several thousands of arrays for functionalisation, doping, grafting and producing mixtures which may provide technological breakthroughs. From a technological view point, there is no winning technology at the moment that can address all the future needs of coal gasification. It is likely that several technologies will address specific functions and requirements for gas separation.
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