(154e) Heavy Metal Removal from Gas Phase with Hydroxylapatite Sorbent
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
2006 Spring Meeting & 2nd Global Congress on Process Safety
Fifth World Congress on Particle Technology
Fluid/Particle Reactions in Energy and Environmental Systems
Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - 5:50pm to 6:10pm
Clean processes are needed to dispose of many wastes. The incineration of 1 ton of municipal solid waste generates 6000 Nm3 of combustion gases contaminated with heavy metals and other pollutants. Gas scrubbing processes are required to clean incineration fumes in order not to transfer pollution to the atmosphere. We are investigating the use of Hydroxylapatite (Ca-HA) particles for use as sorbent for the removal of volatile heavy metals. We have carried out the synthesis of Ca-HA by two precipitation methods from solution and obtained solids with specific surface areas reaching more than 100 m2/g. Preliminary adsorption experiments were conducted in a horizontal furnace by mixing Ca-HA with 5% by weight of cadmium chloride in solid state. The mixture was heated to 600°C under air atmosphere during 6 hours. Chemical analysis of the solids confirmed that 85 % of the cadmium was retained in the solid phase. Such laboratory results showed that Ca-HA is capable of adsorbing cadmium chloride vapors, and pilot scale studies confirmed cadmium abatement in an industrial context.
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