(168b) Developing Situation of Tio2 Film for Photocatalytic Application | AIChE

(168b) Developing Situation of Tio2 Film for Photocatalytic Application


Feng, T. - Presenter, Powder R&D
GAI, G. - Presenter, Powder R&D
Cong, X. - Presenter, Powder R&D

Abstract Some defects, such as nonuniform dispersion, thermal instability, refractory recovery for nanometer TiO2 particles in matrix, can be well solved by TiO2 coating on certain materials including glass slide, silica glass, porcelain bricks and metal panels. At the same time, more methods, containing physical composite methods and chemical composite methods, are developed for the preparation of TiO2 film. That enlarges its application area to solar cell, antimicrobial material, anti-pollution material and so on. To exhibit the application actuality of the composite, the current methods of preparation are summarized and reviewed including sol-gel, chemical bath deposition, chemical vapor deposition, thermal decomposition, laser aided molecular beam deposition and electrodeposition. Meanwhile, photocatalytic application fields are generalized to demonstrate technical feasibility. KEYWORDS: Developing Situation, TiO2 Film, Photocatalytic Application


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