(194e) Uprating Steam Turbines to Improve Efficiency, Output and/or Reliability | AIChE

(194e) Uprating Steam Turbines to Improve Efficiency, Output and/or Reliability


Simmons, S. J. - Presenter, TurboCare, Inc.
Olivier, R. - Presenter, TurboCare, Inc.

In today's market, steam turbine drives must be capable of meeting three characteristics; mechanical reliability, optimum efficiency and maximum output. Many turbines manufactured prior to the mid-1980's have outdated airfoil technology as manufacturing and design techniques have dramatically improved in the last several decades. Some turbines are no longer operating at the design conditions; while other plant processes have changed make available more steam to the turbines. This paper has two examples of steam turbine upgrades that have significantly improved turbine efficiency, optimized the integration of the turbine into the process cycle and increased turbine steam output.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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